Repenting and coming back to the Lord in Lent...Imaginary Churchgoer's story...a poem...
Welcome to another in my imaginary group of Churchgoers. For a moment, consider this middle aged woman in Lent who during her lifetime, repented of acts and other matters during this season to return to the Lord. The funny thing about this intelligent woman, our imaginary Churchgoer, is that she also liked Buddhism. Nonetheless, she was a regular Churchgoer. Here is a poem for the beginning of Lent:
Grief at Lenten season...
by Peter Menkin, Feb, 2002
The season days lengthen,
light lasting longer, griefcame to Lisa.
She kept the precepts,and the practices
of the calendar, but only God
knew of her reason to wear
no makeup, adornments,ear rings.
But one level of her penance,
for before God in Christs
he married and divorced,
offering to the Almighty
penance.Seeking forgiveness
and reconciliation she
now acknowleges private sorrow,
wound of the wounded
Abased, but dust and ashes.
Tomorrow she starts opening
her heart, opening her heart,
revealing her heart in Spirit.
Ash Wednesday.
Lent is a balm; its mystery
communicated by devotion
and religious living.
Looking forward to Easter
hymns,to sing,
joy. So soon to reach out
in loss that is human failing
We seek to enter your gates,
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