Thursday, August 03, 2006
Everyday I seek the Lord, and here is another in that line of poems...
I desire to see good days
by Peter Menkin - Jun 1, 2002
The sunlight, the hallowed
eventof everyday living.
Reminder of Christ
around us,
before us, above us, below us.
Peace, I seek the Lord's love.
Set out on this
to see Him
who calls.
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This time, for this entry, I chose to lead with the poem. Originally, the poem was posted on The Atlantic Monthly Writer's Workshop site on the internet. It was a summer poem, but it seems to have stood the seasons and so here it is in Winter. One of my simpler poems, this one has not been added to my new website, which I hope to have up by the end of March. There is a place holder there now, so no harm in mentioning it at this now.
The Atlantic Monthly Writer's Workshop was at that time a very lively and interesting forum for poets and writers, and I was happy to be on the site with my work -- beginner that I was in the poetry writing endeavor. I haven't made many changes to this poem, just a few following the suggestions of the people who commented on it at that time in 2002.
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