
Friday, November 03, 2006

The Fourth Commandment: Day of Rest...

If this poem seems like a struggle is going on between living in the secular world and the tension of obeying God, you've read it right. The fourth in the series on The Ten Commandments:

Saturday Commandment; Day of Rest...
by Peter Menkin

The integral given by the Lord
is rest the seventh day. By this mankind may find
another way of living
a better, more fruitful living life to God.

I say this as a friend, for Saturday comes.
Work I must, but I think
this is not my Saturday,

I will stretch the Commandment.
Pondering the meaning,
and examining my way of living with a mighty God
I wonder if this slight change
in the calendar will be
all right.

Nonetheless, I hedge my bet,
and think on Saturdays, not holding my breath,
this is the true one.

Alas, modern living in the 21stCentury, is not so friendly
to the God we know.

I will try to learn to be a friend to God,
in this small way. Every week.

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