
Friday, April 23, 2010

God knows your heart each day, each morning
poem by Peter Menkin

The Benedictine way says look forward
to Easter
All year round.

Keep in mind the Lord and His victory;
we share "with that mother blessed/ Of the sole-begotten One...
acceptance find, purer love attaining..." Our devotion said,

Look towards heaven, pray in harmony of love in heart
expanding to Easter
the year through.

Say the words, as God knows
their meaning in your mind, in your heart
each day, each morning new.

Easter words, of salvation offered freely to all,
"Give now the water of life to those who thirst for you..."
This is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad in it.

Poem as read aloud in audio by poet himself:

Photo by Henry Worthy, Benedictine Oblate, London. Henry is an amateur photographer, and as you see, he is a good one. I have enjoyed his photography for some time. He says he will send more pictures, and I look forward to receiving them. Henry is a Facebook friend (I am on Facebook).

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