
Sunday, March 08, 2009

Your question: Where is God?

I assume yours is a religious question. There are two easy answers: Come and see, as in attend Church and there you will find God; God is present whether you know it or not, which is to say we are not always aware of God. But where you may be is where God is.

Should you gain some feeling and belief, you may find God in your heart, on your lips, and in your mind. Nonetheless, God is the other. "My ways are not your ways," says God, and he remains somewhat a mystery. Your question is a point of departure, and the beginning of a journey.

There are theologians who believe God is in heaven and that life of heaven is also present on earth. "Your kingdom come," is a familiar phrase in the Creeds, and one worth meditating on if for no other reason to gather oneself in quiet. God is found in the quiet. He is not in the lightning, as the phrase goes from Isaiah. "Be silent and know that I am God," is a well known phrase.

God is revealed and found in Jesus Christ, who points the way and is an entry way to God. God is goodness, and where goodness is found, there you have evidence of God. Creation is good. Most people find good in creation. "Thank you God for my creation," is a good prayer of praise and thanksgiving. It offers gratitude and evidences the same. That is an affirmative statement, and helps on the way.

There are so many answers to your question, Where is God, and it isn't the number of answers but the many facets of the Almighty: the way of Christ in his journey tells us what we need to do to get closer to God. The Bible tells us about God, and in both the Old and New Testament the works are illuminated. They are, "The word of God." Even the "Word" is a way of saying God for the "Word" is the wisdom that is Jesus Christ, and it is in wisdom literature and living that one finds a way to live with God. He is too great to grasp, too awesome to behold, too beyond mankind in conception to understand, he is the other; He is spirit.

"Seek and ye shall find." "Ask and it shall be given." There are so many ways to God in Christ, that the daily work and living is part of the God experience. "I am the vine, and you are the branches." Shortened as these readings may be, they are departure points for the inquirer and seeker. Without doubt, God is an ambiquity, and matter of wrestling with life and Him, of even giving up ones life to find God in Christ. A wise man told me, "Live the questions."

So to know how to find Christ is the answer, to find God and with the Holy Spirit's help, to seek and live in the unknowing and the knowing is where God can be found.

--Peter Menkin, Pentecost 2008 (August)

Photo: "Water Buckets Filling," by Henry Worthy, London (Camaldoli Oblate).

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