
Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Noted Jan Robitscher's guest homily Speaks to Dwelling in Unity, so timely in light of what NYT calls Anglican Church Disciplines U.S. Episcopals Over Gay Marriages..."Hineh mah tov, Umah nayim, Shevet achim Gam yachad."

“As it is, there are many members,

yet one body.”

(1 Cor. 12:20)

Year C: Third Sunday after Epiphany                                                                 

Jan Robitscher
Nehemiah 8:1-6                                                                                            
St. Mark’s Church, Berkeley, CA
Psalm 19                                                                                                                
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a                                                                                   
January 24, 2016
Psalm 133, verse 1
Bar Mitzvah Flowers
Hineh mah tov, Umah nayim,
  Shevet achim Gam yachad.

Behold how good and pleasant it is
when brethren (kindred, all people)
dwell together in unity.

With these words from Psalm 131, Leonard Bernstein concludes his choral work, Chichester Psalms. The end of this movement is a quiet--almost inaudible--prayer for peace. Is it a wish or a pipedrean? On a global scale, maybe, but on Friday night, the choirs of St Mark’s and Temple Sinai came together at the Temple to sing this work for their Shabbat service, a work that is both startling

Temple Sinai Sanctuary
and moving. Like Ezra reading the Law to the gathered people, we gathered, participated, listened, sang, praised God and pondered the sense of what we were hearing and praying through music.

This afternoon we will sing it again, this time here and in the context of a special Evensong. Again the choirs will come together to sing as one, ending with the quiet but urgent plea for peace. It is an expression of people “dwelling together in unity.”  I hope you will come.

All of today’s readings have to do with community. Fast forward from Ezra to St. Paul. Here is the most familiar analogy of community: The body of Christ. For Paul, the community gathered for worship is one of many members, but guided by the same Spirit. But what is most remarkable is that, for Paul, its very unity is found in diversity: one body, many members.  No one has all the gifts. Each gift is necessary to the others. One part cannot say to another, “I have no need of you”. Nor can one part say, 

Jan Robitscher of
Berkeley, California
“Because I am not like you, because I do not have your gifts, I do not belong to this body”.  Here Paul is speaking not of the church as institution (as it would become only a few centuries later) but as something quite literally organic, like a heart.1  The Christian community moves in procession to a heartbeat rhythm. 

Or does it? It is so easy for the Christian community, whether parish or province or denomination to become fractured and filled with what Paul calls in another place, “party spirit”, as opposed to unity in the Holy Spirit.

Parts of the Anglican Communion have tried to say to the Episcopal Church, “I have no need of you and your liberal Church”. And we in the Episcopal Church might say to them, “I have no need of you and your conservative theology.” But
Justin Welby w/Mitre
such divisions do not only happen in the Church on a global level.

At the risk of going “from preachin’ to meddlin’”, in our own parish, the Altar Guild might be tempted to say to those serving at the Altar, ‘I have no need of you’ or the choir say to the congregation, ‘I have no need of you’, or anyone say, “Because I am not on this or that committee or in any other ministry, or I do not have all the gifts, I do not belong to this community”.  This is not Communion at all, but division.

But what does Paul mean by “unity”? In other letters, he describes it as being “of one mind” or “having the mind of Christ”. By this, he does not mean that everyone thinks alike, or agrees about everything, or that the community must
St. Paul of New Testament fame
be perfect. Of course not!

Rather, all come together for the common good--a phrase and concept that is almost lost in our argumentative and self-centered society and, sadly, even in the church. But in this passage we are encouraged to look beyond the norms of society (and even of the church) in encouraging membership and discerning ministry. We identify ourselves easily as the Body of Christ, yet it is often very difficult for us to discern the gifts of the Spirit.2  St. Paul turns this prayerful act of discerning gifts in the community on its head:

        God has so arranged the body, giving the 
        greater honor to the inferior member, that
        there may be no dissension within the body,
        but the members may have the same care for
        one another.”  (1 Cor. 12:24)

Another place we can look to find guidance about living in community is from St. Benedict and his Rule. Here, the monastery becomes the “school for the Lord’s service3  where he admonishes juniors, seniors and children--all living in the community--to treat each other with respect,4 to honor the opinions of old and young members alike and, most famously, to welcome all guests as Christ, himself.5 

Perhaps today’s Gospel lesson is less obvious in what it speaks about community. Jesus is teaching in the synagogue.

Once again the community is gathered to hear God’s Word, ponder its meaning and respond in worship. Jesus opens the scroll and reads from the prophet Isaiah and then, to the utter astonishment of his hearers says: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing”.  Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophetic words. He came, anointed by the Spirit, to bring good news to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind.... all these and more he did during his earthly ministry. But all of these works didn’t end with his death and resurrection! In the farewell discourses of the Gospel of John, Jesus says:
        “Very truly I tell you, the one who believes 
        in me will also do the works that I do and,
        in fact, will do greater works than these...”
                                        (John 14:12)

So Jesus is telling us that it is not enough to only live as a community unto ourselves. We must look outside these walls. Jesus came to seek and serve the marginalized, the captive, the lost and we must do the same.  Perhaps this is what Paul meant by his list of gifts and ministries: Apostles, prophets, teachers--those who lead and teach both inside and outside the community-- and the gifts of deeds of power, healing, forms of assistance, tongues and their interpretation--ministries of inreach and outreach.  

St Teresa of Avila said it another way with her poem which begins:

        Christ has no body but yours,
        No hands, no feet on earth but yours....

No one has all the gifts! All are necessary for the life of the community!  All rejoice and suffer together. St. Paul is right when he concludes:
Now you--[that is, we--] are the body of Christ
and individually members of it. 

We are the ones who must continue in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and in the prayers, as we promise in the baptismal vows.  But how do we do this?
Paul identifies himself as the sender, along with a member of the church in Corinth Sosthenes, and that he writing to the church in Corinth. But in both instances he crafts those identities in relationship to Christ.... From Howard Carter's blog, a Presbyterian Minister,  ... Minister at St Peter's Presbyterian Church Ellerslie Mt Wellington. A congregation that is wanting to face the challenge of being Christ's body in a twenty first century, multi-cultural, multi-generational, suburban environment.
The book of Acts tells us much of Paul's story. His conversion to being a follower of Christ, his call to take the gospel to the gentiles, which is amazing as before his conversion Paul in his own words is a Jew amongst the Jews a Pharisee among the Pharisees, but Christ changes all that. We read of his mission trips, where he established churches throughout Asia Minor and into Europe. In Acts 18 it tells us the story of Paul coming to the city of Corinth and starting the church there.  Paul will have to defend his apostleship to the church later in this letter, he is writing as one who is called to proclaim the gospel and establish communities of believers, a role that he has been called to by Christ. Apostle means ‘One who is sent’.

The passage from the 1st letter to the Corinthians ends just before chapter 13 begins--the great chapter on love often read at weddings (the formation of yet another kind of community). St. Paul is clear that we are not alone ever as we strive to live in Community. We are the Body of CHRIST. Jesus is with us, now and always, and gives himself to us especially in the sacrament of Communion we are about to receive so that we become more and more His Body. Community and Communion. It is Love--not only as an emotion but as  willed act--that will bind us together, especially in this time of transition. It is love--God’s love of us and our responding love of God-- that makes us the Body of Christ. 

The community of which St. Paul speaks may be a wish or a pipedream, but still we strive to live it out in St. Paul’s vision of the Body of Christ. But we remember that it’s roots are deep in the Psalmist’s poetic voice. Hear again the ancient words from Psalm 131 with which I began: 

Psalm 133, verse 1

Behold how good and pleasant it is
when brethren (kindred, all people)
dwell together in unity. Amen

Hineh mah tov, Umah nayim,
  Shevet achim Gam yachad.

St. Mark's Church, Berkeley, California  (Episcopal)

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Peter Menkin comments on Polls about Homosexual Marriage as the subject appeared in an Article, "Attitudes move on Gay Marriage Question..."

Reprinted from Church of England Newspaper, London: 

Anglican attitudes move on gay marriage question 

(Please see Peter Menkin's comment below.)

ANGLICAN attitudes to same-sex marriage are changing as a new survey reveals that for the first time more Anglicans support it than oppose it.
The YouGov survey shows that 45 per cent are in favour of same-sex marriage compared to 37 per cent against.
That compares with the previous survey in 2013 that found 38 per cent in favour and 47 per cent opposed.
A breakdown of the figures reveals that all age groups, except those over the age of 55, are in favour, but even there the gap is narrowing. In 2013 58 per cent of that age group was opposed, but this has fallen to 44 per cent.
All of the other age groups support same-sex marriage by a large majority, and in the under-25 age group 79 per cent are in favour with just 11 opposed.
And there is a gender gap in the figures, with Anglican men over 55 being far more opposed than any other group. The study shows 62 per cent of them opposed while only 43 per cent of women in the same age group are against it.
Conversely, women under the age of 35 are far more in favour than men, by a margin of 12 per cent: 76 per cent compared to 64 per cent of men.
The poll was conducted earlier this month by YouGov, and sampled 6,276 British adults, including 1,523 of Anglicans living in England.
Church opinion is more opposed than in the general population where 56 per cent of respondents were in support, compared to 43 per cent of Anglicans.
Both groups showed increasing support for same-sex marriage compared to the previous poll in 2013.
General Synod member Jayne Ozanne, who commissioned the poll, said that the results posed a major challenge to the Church: “These figures confirm that the Church of England leadership is seriously out of step with its members, and even more so with society at large. Far more Anglicans now believe that same-sex marriage is right than those who think it is wrong.
“It is therefore vital that we recognise the challenge that this represents to us as a Church, particularly given that as the established Church we are called to minister and serve the whole nation.”
She added: “The Church now faces a major challenge to explain clearly to the nation just why it discriminates against people like me and others in the way that it does. What sort of “Good News” are we offering for those of us who want to get married, who believe it is right but find that the Church forbids it?
Commenting on the finding that Anglican males over the age of 55 were most likely to be opposed she said: “Unfortunately, this is exactly the profile of those in the senior positions of power and influence power within the Church.”

One Response to "Anglican attitudes move on gay marriage question"

  1.  Peter Menkin  04/02/2016 at 14:07
    The Church is not a voluntary body, it is a mystical body–as it has been said by others wiser and more spiritually mature than I. We do not truly “vote” on matters like is marriage for homosexual relationships this decade, but not next decade. Are we better Christians for its act in our Churches?
    The matter of homosexuality as good is not decided or helped in decision by considering it as a popularity contest. No one is running for President in any part of a Bible, let alone bringing understanding of what Marriage of man and woman is about, to say it in an American way. Are you reading my drift?
    CBS News isn’t taking a poll as means of theological truth for Christians on what it is that we as Anglicans come to as faith, or how God is in one as man or one of faith or let alone among us. Mystery of this nature is not suitable for polling.
    Enough said on polls in particular as aid to faith in the Anglican Church, let alone truth.
    The question becomes then, why this “news” story. What is the news, other than nonsense for people of faith in the Anglican Church; to my way of reading.
    This story and its appearance on these pages succeeds to confuse and mislead, disturb and mislead us even more in difficult times of spiritual and religious distress. It is more than unworthy, it contributes to the problem and adds to our despair during these terrible times of recognizable schism in the Anglican Communion and its individual Churches of Homosexual Marriage, an evil that in my opinion that is causing us to meditate on Homosexuality and taking us from Christ and Church.
    This is not a true contemplative activity as I understand it or have understood it. Contemplating on Homosexuality does not lead to unity with God. Taking a Poll on the matter is not of value and is silly in that area, too. Let us each turn to individual prayer as we are able, and to corporate prayer as we may be led and can believe in faith.
This homily added from Peter Menkin's YouTube page, upload July, 2009 to YouTube. It did not appear on the original comment, Church of England Newspaper, London.