
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Colors in a room
By Peter Menkin, Obl. Cam., OSB

White walls, painting aqua tope

around orange sun shows

angels emitting fiery elements towards earth. Heavenward

arrangement as raspberry red wooden chairs

around Easter table,

at whose center a chick emerging

from mirrored egg

wrought in stained glass.

Making awakening sound filling the many

sunlit windows

with musical illuminations.

Expectant new day

rising to perform the work of God

in spirit of prayer.

Soon united by the wind

that blows many tongued mysteries

providence requires.

This is sufficiency, to pray.

On the mountain, in the church,

the tendrils of peace offer forth;

stretched open in touch.

The time to speak with God.

Day continues. Work to be done.

Rest comes soon.

Nocturne of dreams will fill an envelope the space--

this room

lives with imagination.

By the table sits a blue and gold trunk;

in place there are candles that are for the inner self,

an offering that asks

make dialogue happy.

Lit, these are connected

to the mysteries in the church by the park,

communicated among the other homes.

Lighted candles in the evening,

day ends.

Waiting they state to God:

“O gracious Light,

pure brightness of the ever-living

Father in heaven...”

Many colors.

Simple icons

adorn the wall: tree with yellow leaves,

hermitage house at monastery,

wind sculpted tree on land jutting

by the Pacific Ocean in Big Sur,

amazing cross and gems

set in worked metal by an artist living in Mexico

(a man praying on his knees).

These are windows,


a vista.


A man lives here.

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