Christmas poem in July
Here it is summer, and I've revised a Christmas poem started prior to the Millenium 2000. Experimental still, the poem is yet to be completed. Note there is no Christmas tree in this poem. My apologies to friends who've requested a Christmas poem with a Christmas tree.
Christmas as poem
By Peter Menkin
I hope you like poems about babies,
new, and birth and stars that bend their voices.
My answer to your perplexity is this:
Fall/Winter gratitude. Thankfulness for the blessing of a healthy birth,
and in this recitation of a lesson (which is what this poem represents)
also a merry carol
a series of phrases from two hymns for Christmas.
"...let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing..."
"and every stone shall cry.---- And every stone shall cry;"
"To pave his kingdom come.----"
"By whose descent among us the worlds are reconciled."
Oh, but you are mine and
I ask to be in you and you in me.
What gifts you bear so that we may bear
gifts to you, my soul is thankful. With praise.
I offer this poem much with an apology
for I did, too,
want to construct part of the mystery of the event
that is so moving and in its truth ancient and
worthy to be brought to this Millennium of 2000 for a New Year.
So it is here as I constructed it more than three years ago,
with thanks for your attention and forebearance
to see these words that are a love of affection in the entry of
justice that is given by God in Triune splendor
-- of a love that is desire and the beat of a heart in man and woman.
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